100 Days of Journalism

A journalistic exploration, capturing diverse stories through various multimedia formats.

What is 100 days of Making?

During my Master's program at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), I participated in the transformative "100 Days of Making" class. This unique course challenged us to select a theme, idea, or topic to delve into for a continuous period of 100 days. Throughout this experience, we dedicated ourselves to creating and showcasing daily iterations of our chosen concept, sharing our progress and achievements on social platforms. This interdisciplinary journey encompassed a wide spectrum of creative expressions, including building, writing, drawing, programming, photographing, designing, composing, and beyond. The topic I chose for the class was 100 days of Journalism.

Why 100 days of Journalism?

I embarked on the captivating journey of "100 Days of Journalism" for the class focused on continuous creative exploration. Two compelling reasons guided my choice:

  1. Unveiling the Depths of Journalism: By immersing myself in "100 Days of Journalism," I sought to delve deeper into the realm of journalistic practices. This experience allowed me to explore various interview techniques, refine my storytelling skills, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the ethics and nuances of this impactful profession.

  2. Bridging the Distance Amidst the Pandemic: With the COVID-19 pandemic dispersing the ITP community across different cities and time zones, I saw an opportunity to use journalism as a tool for connection. Through engaging interviews and captivating content, my aim was to bridge the geographical gaps and foster a sense of unity and camaraderie within the ITP community, despite our physical separation.

What did I do?

During the 100-day duration, I engaged in a multifaceted range of activities to accomplish my goal. I conducted over 70 interviews, capturing valuable insights and perspectives from a diverse array of individuals. These interviews served as the foundation for my work, which I creatively presented in five distinct formats: video, written articles, podcasts, infographics, and data visualizations. Additionally, I took charge of the entire production process, including shooting, editing, and refining the content to ensure its quality and coherence. I diligently shared my work on a daily basis for 100 days, posting all the interviews and their accompanying content on Instagram. This allowed for real-time engagement and fostered a sense of community as I connected with the audience and received feedback.

Included below are a few curated samples from my extensive collection, providing a glimpse into the breadth and depth of my work. For a comprehensive view, I invite you to explore the complete array of interviews on the linked Instagram page.


SVA Thesis Directory, UX and Web Development Project


Neuroflow, UX Project